Dissertation Proposal

Writing a dissertation proposal is not an easy job. But through our outstanding dissertation proposal help, you will be able to get it completed in no more than 2 days without any sweat or effort on your part! Guaranteed!!!

Are you ready to write your dissertation research proposal, but not sure what steps you should take, and how much detail you should provide?

Worry No More. You are about to find out how easy it is to complete proposal papers in no time.

  • Don’t have any ideas about what sections to include in your proposal?
  • Do you know that writing a proposal needs a well-defined and significant research question within the set research boundaries?
  • Have you been trying to explain the significance of your research question to your supervisor, but still, you are unsuccessful?
  • Have you not been able to complement the research problem in the context of current arguments and research in the literature review chapter of your dissertation proposal?
  • Are you confused about the strategies to be used for data collection in the methodology chapter of your paper?

What if you got a Ph.D. research specialist in your area of research who would craft your paper guaranteeing a 100% chance of approval and appreciation by your supervisor?

We have a team of highly qualified Masters’s and Ph.D. writers specialized in different academic disciplines with immense experience in writing.

Our writing service guarantees to serve you at optimum by putting emphasis on the following structure and features required for a high-quality paper.

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Below is the checklist you will get from experts for your dissertation proposal. 

Topic Consultation (FREE)

  • Topics that would spark some background knowledge of the subject.
  • Fairly specific to cover the word count effectively.
  • Demonstrating the current trends and interests!

Exploring Potential Research Areas

When it comes to choosing a topic for your research proposal, it’s crucial to consider areas where you have some background knowledge or interest. This not only makes the research process smoother but also ensures effective coverage within the word count. Here are some specific topics that could spark your interest and align with current trends and interests in your field:


1. Machine Learning in Healthcare

  • This topic delves into the application of machine learning algorithms in healthcare systems. You can explore recent advancements, such as predictive analytics for patient diagnosis, personalized treatment recommendations, and healthcare management optimization.

Machine learning has shown promising results in various healthcare domains, including medical imaging analysis, disease prediction, and drug discovery. You can review the latest literature on methodologies, challenges, and future directions in this rapidly evolving field.

2. Sustainable Urban Planning

  • With the growing concern over environmental sustainability, urban planning has become a focal point for research. Consider investigating innovative strategies for designing and managing cities to minimize environmental impact while promoting economic growth and social equity.

Topics within this domain could include green infrastructure development, smart city initiatives, transportation planning, and community engagement strategies. You can explore case studies, policy frameworks, and interdisciplinary approaches to address complex urban challenges.

3. Cybersecurity in IoT

  • As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, ensuring cybersecurity becomes increasingly critical. Research in this area can examine the vulnerabilities, threats, and mitigation techniques specific to IoT devices and networks.

Topics may include authentication protocols, encryption methods, intrusion detection systems, and privacy-preserving techniques for IoT ecosystems. You can analyze current trends in cyber-attacks targeting IoT devices, explore emerging technologies for securing IoT infrastructures, and propose novel solutions to enhance cybersecurity resilience.

Title Page

The title page serves as the initial representation of your research proposal and includes essential information such as the research proposal title, student’s name and ID number, department, course, and supervisor’s name. The title page has:

  • Research proposal title.
  • Student’s name
  • Student’s ID number
  • Department
  • Course
  • Supervisor’s name


The abstract provides a concise summary of your research proposal, highlighting its distinctive points, research question or problem, and the significance, relevance, and contribution to the field.


The introduction serves as the roadmap of your paper, outlining the expected elaboration of your dissertation proposal. It emphasizes the research question or problem and provides evidence of its significance, relevance, and contribution to the field.

Literature Review 

The literature review entails a comprehensive review of all relevant literature studied for your dissertation proposal research. It explores existing theories, methodologies, and findings related to your research topic, highlighting gaps and areas for further investigation.


The methodology section outlines the research methods employed and the rationale behind their selection. It provides a detailed explanation of how data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted to address the research question or problem.

Data Assessment

The data assessment section involves the presentation and evaluation of research data collected during the study. It includes data analysis techniques, findings, and interpretations to support the research objectives.

Expected Results

The expected results section outlines the anticipated outcomes of the research, based on the proposed methodology and data analysis. It discusses potential findings and their implications for the field of study.


The schedule provides a timetable with all scheduled tasks, outlining the timeline for completing each stage of the research project, from literature review to data analysis and report writing.

Resources and Budget

The resources and budget section discusses the necessity of resources, including funding, equipment, and personnel, required to conduct the research. It outlines the budget allocation and justifies the expenses associated with the project.


The bibliography lists all information resources cited in the research proposal, including books, journals, articles, and other relevant sources.


The appendices contain supplementary materials used in the dissertation proposal, such as questionnaires, interview transcripts, data tables, or technical documents, to provide additional context or support for the research.

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External Resources

  1. “Machine Learning in Healthcare”

    Reading Suggestion:

    • Article: “Machine Learning for Healthcare: On the Verge of a Major Shift in Healthcare Delivery?” by Eric J. Topol, published in 2021 in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. This article provides an overview of recent advancements in machine learning applications in healthcare, including challenges, opportunities, and future directions.
    • Online Resource: Coursera offers a course titled “AI for Healthcare” by Andrew Ng. This course covers the application of machine learning and deep learning techniques in healthcare, with real-world case studies and practical insights from industry experts.
    • Book: “Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again” by Eric Topol. This book explores the potential of AI, including machine learning, to transform healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and personalize medical treatments.
  2. “Sustainable Urban Planning”

    Reading Suggestion:

    • Report: “The New Climate Economy Report 2020: Cities, Climate Change and Opportunities for Action” by the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. This report provides insights into sustainable urban planning practices, emphasizing the role of cities in addressing climate change while promoting economic growth and social equity.
    • Online Resource: The World Bank offers a collection of resources on urban development and sustainability, including reports, articles, and case studies. Topics cover urban planning, infrastructure, resilience, and environmental sustainability.
    • Book: “Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places” by Jeff Speck. This book offers practical strategies and guidelines for designing walkable, sustainable cities, with a focus on improving urban quality of life, reducing car dependence, and promoting healthier, more livable communities.
  3. “Cybersecurity in IoT”

    Reading Suggestion:

    • White Paper: “The Internet of Things Security Foundation: Best Practice Guidelines” by the IoT Security Foundation. This white paper provides comprehensive guidelines and best practices for securing IoT devices and networks, covering topics such as authentication, encryption, and vulnerability management.
    • Online Resource: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers a series of publications on cybersecurity, including Special Publication 800-183: “NIST Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Guidance.” This guidance document provides recommendations for securing IoT devices and systems in diverse environments.
    • Book: “IoT Security: A Practical Guide Book” by Brian Russell, Drew Van Duren, and John M. Wroclawski. This book offers practical insights and strategies for securing IoT deployments, covering topics such as threat modeling, risk assessment, secure design principles, and incident response.

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