Literature Review

Literature Review Worries – Ends Right here on this Page!

  • Isn’t it a nightmare for you to write your literature review that offers valuable opinions and appealing responses to various different writings?
  • Aren’t you able to compare and contrast different research findings to each other rationally in the literature review chapter of your dissertation?
  • Don’t how to write your literature review in a way that it starts demonstrating great awareness of theories and values that underpin the core dissertation research?
  • Are you not sure how to critically examine the background of the area of research against the research question?

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Our dissertation literature review writing service guarantees to serve you at optimum by putting emphasis on the following dissertation Literature Review structure and features required for a 1st Class dissertation:

Introduction to Literature Review

  • Content – What is covered?
  • Structure – How it is organized?
  • Boundaries – What is outside of its scope?

The body of the Literature Review

  • Section – 1
    The most important topic or a key concept
    Discussed and evaluated.
    Summarized and related to your research project.
  • Section – 2
    The next most important topic or a key concept
    Discussed and evaluated.
    Summarized and related to your research project.
  • Section – 3 etc.

Conclusion of Literature Review

The most important point highlighted in each of the summarized sections related to the need for the research.
Reiteration of their meaning for research design.

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Mastering the Art of Dissertation Literature Review: A Comprehensive Guide


The dissertation literature review is a critical component of any research project, as it provides an overview and analysis of existing literature related to the chosen research topic. It serves as a foundation for the study, allowing researchers to identify knowledge gaps, establish a theoretical framework, and highlight the significance of their research. However, conducting a literature review can be a daunting task for many students. This article aims to guide aspiring researchers through the process of crafting an effective and well-structured dissertation literature review.

  • Understanding the Purpose: The first step in writing a literature review is to clearly understand its purpose. A literature review serves several functions, including a. Identifying the scope of existing knowledge in the field. b. Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies. c. Identifying gaps and areas for further research. d. Establishing a theoretical framework or conceptual model. e. Providing a context for the research problem and research questions.
  • Defining Search Parameters: Before delving into the literature search, it is crucial to define specific search parameters. Determine the key concepts and variables related to your research topic and develop a set of keywords and phrases that will guide your search. This will ensure that you find relevant and useful sources.
  • Comprehensive Literature Search: Utilize a variety of academic databases, such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, PubMed, and library catalogs, to conduct a comprehensive literature search. Include both primary and secondary sources, such as scholarly articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and reputable websites. It is essential to cover a wide range of sources to gain a holistic understanding of the topic.
  • Critical Evaluation and Note-Taking: As you gather relevant literature, critically evaluate each source. Assess the credibility, authority, and relevance of the authors and their research. Take detailed notes, summarizing the key arguments, methodologies, findings, and limitations of each source. Organize your notes by themes or sub-topics to facilitate the writing process later on.
  • Analyzing and Synthesizing: Once you have collected a substantial number of sources, start analyzing and synthesizing the information. Look for patterns, similarities, and contradictions across different sources. Identify themes, theories, and concepts that emerge from the literature. Organize the literature in a logical and coherent manner, grouping similar ideas together.
  • Structuring the Literature Review: The structure of a literature review can vary depending on the requirements of your field or academic institution. However, a typical structure includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    a. Introduction: Provide an overview of the research topic, its importance, and the objectives of the literature review.
    b. Body: Organize the literature thematically or chronologically. Present and analyze the key findings, theories, and concepts. Compare and contrast different studies and highlight any gaps or controversies.
    c. Conclusion: Summarize the main points, discuss the implications of the literature review, and identify areas for future research.
  • Writing and Revising: Begin writing your literature review by weaving together the information and analysis you have gathered. Ensure a clear and logical flow of ideas. Use appropriate citations and referencing styles. Revise your work multiple times to refine the language, structure, and coherence of your review.
  • Continuous Iteration: Remember that a literature review is an iterative process. As you progress with your research, you may discover new sources that need to be included or find the need to revise your existing analysis. Be open to updating and refining your literature review throughout the research journey.


Mastering the art of the dissertation literature review is crucial for any researcher aiming to contribute to the existing body of knowledge. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively navigate the research process, identify relevant literature, critically evaluate sources, and synthesize information to create a well-structured literature review. It is important to approach the literature review with a systematic and organized mindset, ensuring that you cover a comprehensive range of sources and address key themes and concepts in your field.

Remember that a literature review is not simply a summary of existing research but an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the topic, identify research gaps, and set the stage for your own study. It requires critical thinking, analysis, and the ability to draw connections between different studies and theories.

Additionally, seek guidance and feedback from your advisor or mentors throughout the process. They can provide valuable insights, suggest relevant sources, and help you refine your literature review.

Lastly, be aware of the ethical considerations associated with conducting a literature review. Properly attribute and cite all sources, giving credit to the original authors and researchers. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can have severe consequences on your academic and professional journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Literature Review

1. What is a literature review? A literature review is a critical analysis and synthesis of existing research and scholarly articles on a particular topic or research question. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in the field, identify gaps in the literature, and establish the context for your own research.

2. Why is a literature review important in academic research? A literature review is essential because it helps researchers:

  • Understand the current state of knowledge in their field.
  • Identify gaps, controversies, and areas for further research.
  • Establish the theoretical framework and conceptual basis for their study.
  • Avoid duplicating previous research and build on existing scholarship.
  • Provide context and justification for their research questions, methods, and findings.

3. What should be included in a literature review? A literature review typically includes:

  • An introduction that defines the scope and purpose of the review.
  • Summaries and analyses of relevant studies, theories, and concepts.
  • Discussions of key themes, trends, and debates in the literature.
  • Critical evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of previous research.
  • Identification of gaps in the literature and suggestions for future research directions.
  • A conclusion that summarizes the key findings and highlights the significance of the review.

4. How do I conduct a literature review? To conduct a literature review, follow these steps:

  • Define your research question or topic.
  • Conduct a comprehensive search of academic databases, journals, books, and other sources relevant to your topic.
  • Read and critically evaluate the literature, taking notes on key findings, methodologies, and arguments.
  • Organize your review thematically or chronologically, depending on your research question and objectives.
  • Write your review, synthesizing the information from various sources and providing critical analysis and interpretation.

5. How do I know if I have enough literature for my review? The extent of your literature review will depend on the scope and depth of your research topic. Aim to include a broad range of relevant sources, but also focus on key studies and seminal works in your field. If you find that you are consistently encountering the same information or reaching saturation, it may be a sign that you have covered enough literature.

6. Can I include non-peer-reviewed sources in my literature review? While peer-reviewed sources are generally preferred for academic research, you may include non-peer-reviewed sources such as books, reports, and government publications if they are relevant and credible. However, be sure to critically evaluate the quality and reliability of these sources before including them in your review.

7. How do I cite sources in a literature review? Follow the citation style required by your academic institution or the guidelines of the journal you are submitting your research to. Typically, citations include the author’s name, publication year, and page number (for direct quotations) within the text, along with a corresponding reference list at the end of the review.

8. How do I avoid plagiarism in my literature review? To avoid plagiarism in your literature review, be sure to:

  • Properly cite all sources you use, including paraphrased information and direct quotations.
  • Use quotation marks or block quotes for verbatim text.
  • Provide your own analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of the literature rather than simply summarizing others’ work.
  • Use plagiarism detection software to check your review before submission.

9. How recent should the sources be in a literature review? The recency of sources depends on your research topic and the dynamic nature of your field. In general, aim to include both classic studies and the most recent research relevant to your topic. However, ensure that your review reflects the most current understanding of the subject matter by prioritizing recent sources, especially for rapidly evolving fields.

10. Where can I find examples of literature reviews for reference? Examples of literature reviews can be found in academic journals, dissertations, and research textbooks. Many universities also provide online resources or workshops on literature review writing. Additionally, online databases and repositories may offer access to published literature reviews in your field.

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