29 History Dissertation Topics – Research Topics Ideas

History is a very interesting and rich learning discipline. This is because every country of the world has its own history. Similarly, the overall history of the world is yet another separate study area. In simple words, there is much to research and reflect upon when it comes to history dissertation topics. Different prominent historical personalities and their achievements also come within the domain of dissertation topics on history. Yet again, history can be combined with different other disciplinary approaches and this multidisciplinary scenario is intriguing in its own. Some people may think that history is a dry subject, but this is not true at all.

History Dissertation Topics and examples

Making a list for history research areas is a very different approach as compared to other academic disciplines. Yet, an extensive list of history research topics has been given below. You can read through this list and see if there is something up to your interest. We are always available for guidance and help with your dissertations and theses:

  • Deficits, debts and defense in UK history: experiences from 1700 – 2020.
  • Investigating the role of British military over the last two decades: a review of literature.
  • Investigation of the history of racism, social movements and nationalism: a comparative approach.
  • Western society and the history of feminism: a descriptive approach.
  • A comparative analysis of the history of feminism in India and Pakistan over the last decade.
  • Studying the association of world history, global citizenship and liberal arts: a systematic approach.
  • History of arts of design: focus on its rise and progress in the USA.
  • Teaching history of dance at university levels: focus on using virtual simulations.
  • Understanding the history of fashion domain: a methodological approach.
  • British fashion history: changes from 2000s to the 2010s.
  • Place of women in western history: focus on resistance and revolution.
  • Incorporating women in the business domain: a historical analysis.
  • A comparative analysis of the physical versus philosophical history of mankind: a descriptive approach.
  • Utilization of arsenicals in war: a historical analysis.
  • Investigating the association between the histories of science, medicine and technology: a review of literature.
  • Studying the evolution and development of gas industry in Britain: a historical perspective.
  • Spread of Islam in UK: connecting past with the present.
  • A historical analysis of the global public health domain from ancient to the modern times.
  • Investigating the significance of heresy in the history of Islam: a descriptive approach.
  • A historical analysis of the military strategy and policy of the USA.
  • Naval operations of USA in second world war: a historical analysis.
  • UK versus US equity valuation techniques: a historical analysis.
  • UK health policy: a historical analysis.
  • Banking in UK: review of historical data.
  • History of terrorism: western versus non-western experiences.
  • Racial profiling of Blacks in USA: a police history.
  • Physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia: a historical perspective.
  • History of democracy: a Marxist perspective.
  • History and democracy revisited.

These are 29 History Dissertation Topics – Research Topics Ideas also check our related posts for Dissertation Topics In Environmental Education and International Business Dissertation Topics.

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