33 Developmental Psychology Research Topics & Ideas

Developmental psychology, as its name implies, focuses on the development of the human psychology through different age spans. Even the psychology linked with the prenatal development of a human being is included within this realm. When human beings grow, their interaction with the social world around them also grows. Resultantly, their social growth also undergoes deep changes. All these social aspects of growth are also studied under the umbrella of developmental psychology. In simple words, change over time is the crux of developmental psychology and the main focus is on psychological and social changes. Developmental psychology research topics includes different areas involved throughout the entire lifespan of an individual.

List of Developmental Psychology Research Topics

Following is the developmental psychology topics list from where you can choose the topic that you are most interested in:

  • How do teachers respond to bullying in a school environment? studying the antecedents and consequences
  • Cyberbullying: requiring new lines of action to be taken by the parents and teachers: a descriptive study
  • Effects of social support on the victims of bullying: a study on college students
  • Power of peer relationships in teenagers: a review of literature
  • Infants’ object interactions: comparison of the developmental changes between crawling and walking
  • Relationship between the parenting styles of the parents and the behavioral problems of the children
  • Relation between depression and loneliness in female university students: a content analysis
  • Early language development in children and self-efficacy of the parents: a correlational study
  • How does attachment to mother differs from the attachment to father: a review of literature
  • Effects of attachment with parents on the emotional regulation capacity of the children
  • Social cognition and social emotion in terms of social anxiety disorder
  • Relationship between children’s early experiences of success or failure on their belief system
  • Prosocial behavior and empathy in children
  • Gender stereotypes: studying the pathway to beliefs of children
  • Shame coping strategies used by adolescents: a gender-based research design
  • Packing nutritious food items in visually attractive packaging: an experimental approach
  • Effects of listening to music on retaining information for long time: a review of literature
  • Prejudice and discrimination: studying pathway of development in children
  • Effects of childhood trauma on the mental health of adults
  • Drawing tattoos on the body and peer acceptance in adolescence
  • Comparing emotional development between toddlers and adolescents
  • How is moral development associated with the religious beliefs of an individual: a qualitative approach
  • Studying the development pathway of fear among children: infancy to adolescence
  • Depression and mental health in adolescents: review of literature
  • Effects of media-based sex information on the sexual development of adolescents
  • Gender roles in modern society: review of literature
  • Borderline personality disorder: causes and intervention
  • Playing violent video games and aggression in children
  • Love, romance and attention: a developmental psychology perspective
  • Determinants of psychopathic behavior in youth: a detailed analysis
  • Effects of birth order on the procrastinating behavior of adolescents

Also check our related post for dissertation topics in social psychology and school psychology.

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