35 Forensic Psychology Dissertation Topics & Ideas

Forensic psychology deals with the legal issues that can arise in a societal environment in which human beings interact with each other. Forensic psychology dissertation topics focuses on the issues pertaining to the areas such as police force, legal offices, rehabilitation centers and other related facilities. In simple words, forensic psychology research topic ideas provide an in-depth analysis of the legal system and its implications on the human society. This can prove to be highly beneficial for students who are interested in understanding the area of forensic psychology and wish to pursue a career in the same domain. The related authorities also work nicely in collaboration with the researchers who want to understand how forensic psychology operates in real life scenarios.

Top selected Forensic Psychology Dissertation Topics List

Below is a list of current issues in forensic psychology for your reference. Feel free to choose according to your interest:

  • Relationship between childhood aggression and adult antisocial behavior
  • Ethics in forensic psychology: a review of literature
  • Social media and its role in inventing new ways of committing crimes in teenagers
  • Insanity cases from the perspectives of a forensic psychologist: literature review
  • Can narcissist personality disorder lead to an abusive marital relationship between couples?
  • Juvenile delinquency: interventions to prevent adult criminal behaviors
  • Effects of using a lie detector in questioning a criminal
  • How death sentence impacts the life of the family of a criminal? A quantitative approach
  • Counseling services for the victims of sex trafficking
  • Does criminal profiling work for actual cases: comparisons of case studies
  • Impacts of cognitive behavior therapy on criminals suffering from psychosis
  • Understanding the factors leading to competencies of the criminals to justify in courts
  • Guilty but mentally ill: uncovering the myths from reality
  • Relationship between juvenile psychopathy and violence in juvenile offenders
  • Association between conduct disorder in children and criminal tendencies in adulthood
  • Why young children commit crimes? Risk factors and interventions
  • Understanding forensic psychology in developing countries: review of literature
  • Factors associated with the phenomenon of stalking
  • Psychological assessment tests in the field of forensic psychology
  • Using manipulation of children in cases of child custody
  • Acquaintance rape: separating myths from reality
  • Faking mental illness: using forensic psychology in a court room
  • Risk factors and precedents of domestic abuse: a review of literature
  • Strategies used by correctional facilities to change the thinking patterns of offenders
  • How forensic psychologists perceive the idea of deception in crime offenders?
  • Music therapy for patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder: a forensic psychology perspective
  • Psychological profiling of sexual offenders by forensic psychologists
  • Relationship between sadomasochism and violent sexual crimes: a review of literature
  • How police officers can use emotional intelligence in interviews for their jobs: a qualitative analysis
  • Crime narratives for different types of crimes: perspectives from a criminal’s mindset
  • Emotional needs of crime offenders who has been admitted in prisons
  • Predictors of aggression in prisoners of juvenile homes: a quantitative approach

Check our other related post for dissertation topics on clinical psychology and counseling psychology.

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